Ethiopia: Field Based Data

Agriculture & Rural Development
Farra kebele, Tabor sub city, Hawassa city Adiminstration

Farmers loose their product value because of low value chain functioning. more problem related with crop sells in their field because of they are lack of clothes and refund borrowed money. to that giving credit service during harvesting and collecting grain at  harvesting to sell after good price for it may change life and food security problem of small scale farmers of Technology villages of Hawassa University.
Reporter:  Mr Galfato Gabiso Gada

Social Development

Ethiopia, South, Gedeo, Koti Priamry School

1. Education (Integrated Transformational Functional Adult Literacy, Inclusive Education, Pastoralist Education, Access Education, Educational Fostering, Mobile Education and Assertive Tutorial Classes)

2.Health ( Reproductive Health & Ethics, Family Planning,  Malaria, Tropical Disease Control/Tsetse Fly Control, Non-Communicable Disease, HIV and AIDS, Environmental Sanitation & Personal Hygiene, Latrine Dev’t, Water Borne Disease, Maternal and Child Health Care, and Harmful Traditional Practices,)

3. Ecology (Bio-Ethics, Eco-Employment , Carbon Trading ,Responsible Mining, Conservation Agriculture , Watershed Dev’t , Field Gene Bank Dev’t, Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation ,Environmental Protection & Rehabilitation, Buffer Zone , Homestead Dev’t , Organic Farming and School Greening)

4. Alternative, Sustainable & Clean Energy Development (Biogas Development, Solar Energy Development, Metrological Centre Dev’t, Bio-Latrine Dev’t, and Dry & Wet Waste Management and Recycling)

5. Water (Spring Dev’t, Water Point Dev’t, Public Shower Dev’t, and Remote School Roof Water Harvesting)

6. Livelihood (Bee-Keeping, Intensive Farming, Poultry, Animal Raising, Rural Credit, Marketable Livelihood Skill Training, Improved Seed Multiplication, Fair Trade, and Post Harvest Lost Mgt)”
Reporter: Mr Mesay  Tadese