Sustainable development participation

Help finding, connecting and empowering the missing millions to sustainable development matters (education, infrastructure, information, knowledge, knowhow, finance, skills, job, politic, motivation, Self-engagement, social development issues, best practices, businesses sustainably, knowledgesharing, and divers development resources.

Please share your social development information here in order to help development agencies and development partners to make correct sustainable development assessment and decisions faster.
And to see development trouble on the horizon, sidestep negative development impacts and engage with your NGO, local NGOs, Authorities and development stakeholders in an effort to prevent or resolve these issues one and for all.

You can share the informatin in your local,national or international languages. We do not encourage political information.
The infromation that we are collecting are available here

Our mission is to share relevant knowledge in order to build skills needed to alleviate development issues at a community level. We motivate people on the ground to express their individual needs and the needs of their communities, and to get actively involved in developing solutions. We raise awareness on local development issues and we identify the best development practices specific to each community and their locality in an effort to resolve these issues once and for all.

ZVR: 271888611
Europa/PIC Number: 908234669
Europa/Organisation ID: E10114489