Training reporting: ICT training for girls in rural area in Yaounde, Cameroon


This online basic ICT vocational training provided participants with technical knowledge about computers, first attempts in internet research, as well as setting up and the use of e-mail accounts.


Enabling the participants to act on their own will empower them as they gain the skill to do internet research on any topic and participate in as well as connect to the worldwide online world by creating accounts to which they personally can respond. This makes them agents of development. The focus here was to provide girls with these skills as they are often the most underprivileged and vulnerable persons in society.


The three-days workshop was delivered by a local assistant and a remote teacher, using a cloud platform. The participants learned basic computer and Microsoft word skills, continued with internet with benefits and pitfalls and how to use it for research and finally how to set up an e-mail account and how to send and receive e-mails.


After successfully completing the training, evaluation and satisfaction questionnaires were filled out and participants were given the opportunity to join our Community of Practices, having a wider access to information.
The report can be downloaded or viewed here

KFDWB Regional Academy Proposal

Mitigation irregular migration