Ms. Jaewon Son

Ms. Jaewon Son

Aknowledgement / As the year comes to an end, I have reflected on 2019, and realized that one of the best things I have done this year was joining Knowledge for Development Without Borders (KFDWB), a Vienna-based NGO, by proposing a project on implementing an Open Community Platform for increasing awareness of the needs to accelerate sustainable development. This experience not only helped me to join International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome, but also to receive the Green Talents Awards from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) this year. In addition, I could have been able to receive an offer from UNDP Seoul Policy Center recently. After all, this year was a year for me to learn that every small and big thing that I have tried and worked on, regardless of the success or failure, has eventually helped me to move forward. I appreciate people around me who valued my work and believed in my potentials, which made my achievements possible this year. I would keep pushing and trying on new projects for sustainable development next year.

Jaewon has joined KFDWB with the strong interest in setting up open community forum to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and agenda 2030. She has studied in Diplomatische Akademie Wien and will be soon graduating from Korea University with a Master of Arts in International Development and Cooperation. Her thesis focuses on “Increasing women’s access to education by provision of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities in Lao Cai Province, Vietnam” with the SDGs framework. After being awarded as one of the outstanding performer in APIGA 2018 (The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy), she was appointed by KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) to attend ICANN 63 (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) Annual General Meeting in Barcelona as a civilian expert. As a committee member of KIGA (Korea Internet Governance Alliance), she has prepared to organize the 8th KrIGF (Korea Internet Governance Forum) to encourage the local community to be aware of Internet-related issues and manage the youth session in the forum to initiate Youth IGF in Korea. As a NextGen fellow, she will attend ICANN 64 in Kobe to present the role of internet governance in disaster management by sharing how internet of things make a difference in disaster risk reduction.

Below is Ms. Jaewon Son’s project proposal

home / Training / Ms. Jaewon Son’s Project proposal

Below is the research work conducted as part of the project

home / Training / Ms. Jaewon Son’s project home

Below is the business plan work conducted as part of the project

home / Training / Ms. Jaewon Son’s project home

Below are the video presentations produced as the part of the project

Thanks for your great commitment and cooperation ~ KFDWB Training Management Team ~ Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given the chance to understand, know and play his or her role in sustainable development. That’s what we’re doing. ~ KFDWB. We are so grateful to every trainee, volunteer, donor and individual of the KFDWB who is helping us to address today’s most pressing social challenges. We believe that all human beings have a creative impulse. Every effort, endorsement, encouragement, support we receive helps us to fund, advance our work on understanding and unleashing this potential and creating the tools people need to address the complex problems we all face. Being a trainee, volunteer, fan, an enthusiast, supporter or making a donation means you are contributing to supporting our cutting-edge skills and knowledge for development’s programmes, and innovative projects, our remote and offline field trainings and diverse network.

This project is closed untill the evaluation and the decision for the next step.

Additional Resource: Combatting irregular migration

Additional Resource:KFDWB Regional Academy Proposal