Knowledge and education for sustainable development in West Africa. There is still a lot of work to be done. We want to reduce the lack of skills, knowledge and education for sustainable development with the creation of our sustainability Platform in Togo.

@image: Some pictures of our delivered skills for development training can be found [here]

Through our sustainability Platform, we want to find, connect and empower the missing people to sustainable development matters: education, infrastructure, information, knowledge, know-how, finance, skills, jobs, motivation, Self-engagement, social development issues, best practices, businesses sustainability, knowledge sharing, and diverse development resources.

To reach these objectives, we need a local platform to work more closely with the local communities to identify their needs and provide them with the necessary resources and skills to achieve their Sustainable Development Goals.

Transforming and tailoring open knowledge, education resources into local skills, practices, knowledge, Know-how for development and glocal love for sustainable development.

We aim to translate through our sustainable development centre – platform in Togo (Lomé) open, global scientific and cultural knowledge for sustainable development into local skills, knowledge, practices, know-how and glocal love for sustainable development.

It is in this context that we offer with our local and international partners through our platform in Togo information workshops, exchange of ideas, training, awareness raising and good practices in the social, economic, and environmental. The activities are particularly aimed at population groups that are disadvantaged due to their social background and social environment.

Among many other training courses and activities, we offer on our platform in Togo: Permanent awareness workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals, permanent awareness workshops on the risks of illegal immigration, permanent awareness workshops on Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, permanent workshops to combat discrimination against women, permanent workshops to combat terrorists and violent extremism, permanent workshops on social media, permanent workshops on the use of smartphones, permanent awareness workshops on global climate change, permanent artistic and cultural workshops and exchanges, permanent mobilizations to provide drinking water in villages that need it, permanent mobilization within the framework for the renovations or construction of educational establishments in villages which need them, permanent mobilization within the framework for the renovations or construction of hospitals and cultural centers in villages that need them, etc. See also some training courses in the following Tables.

Below you can find (title in english/french) some of the activities we are looking forward to implementing in parallel while the processes of building the sustainable centre in Togo (Lomé) are ongoing.

Here our legal operations Quitus, Zulassung or Admission in Togo.

Your participation or the participation of your organization in promoting this project would be greatly appreciated. Click on the following image to access to our project that aims to create a platform (An Apolitical-Independent-Development Center in Togo) that promotes the translation of open, global scientific and cultural knowledge for sustainable development into local skills, knowledge, practices, know-how and glocal love for sustainable development.

Our Sustainable development centre in Togo aims to translate global knowledge for sustainable development into local skills, knowledge, pratices, know-how and glocal love for sustainable development. Edgar Morin : “Je souhaite que les pays africains n’oublient pas leur culture.”